Monday, March 15, 2010

February #2 My favorite Valentine's gift...

Was actually not these beautiful flowers from Matt...

Or the Starbucks gift card & restaurant certificate he gave me (which we used on a non-holiday to avoid the ridiculous crowds - and because I refuse to ask anyone to babysit for me on Valentine's day. "Hey, since you're single, want to spend your Valentine's day taking care of my kids, so I can go out and have fun??")

I did LOVE my flowers, and having spent many a Valentine's day flower-less, flowers on V-day will never get old. (Have I ever mentioned that the years I worked @ TAMU were the worst for V-day? I never really minded Valentine's as a single girl - I love  the whole idea behind the holiday, I love flowers & red is my favorite color, so the decorations are fun. I always tried to make it a fun and special day for the people I loved, without really feeling sorry for myself. BUT. Those years @ TAMU, my desk was in the hallway right down from the elevator. So ALL DAY LONG ding would go the elevator, and here would come the flower guy with these gorgeous arrangements. ALL DAY LONG. I couldn't help myself. Even though I KNEW that no one was going to be sending me flowers, every time that elevator dinged, I thought, "Maybe that one is for me!" But the flower guy always kept walking... I told that story to Matt last year on V-day - and I'll probably never be flower-less again.)

Anyway, LOVED those gifts from my sweetie (and love having a sweetie), but my favorite Valentine was from Luke. That morning after breakfast, he asked if he could go outside. As it was still the worst winter of all time then, I asked why, and he told me, "Nothing you need to concern yourself with!" Exactly what his dad would say under similar circumstances, I might add...

There was all kinds of racket out there, and he finally called me out to find this:

(That's Grammie & Papa pulling into the driveway to drop Dudley off before church - he stayed with them that weekend while we were in Iowa with the McCs. I ran out in my pajamas to stop them from driving over my valentine!)