We will get our ruling on Tuesday (probably the verbal ruling, then we'll wait a little longer for our written ruling, and it will take a week - 10 days for our visa after that), and in the meantime the Judge would like us to visit some local landmarks and learn as much as we can about Ugandan culture. Our lawyer felt that court went well, and we are excited to learn as much as we can about our little mister's homeland during the time we have here.
Highlights of our day in court...
…Obviously: that it looks like it ended well. After MONTHS of unknowns, it is nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
… A full day with our little mister. Y'all. He's so cute. It was delightful to be with him today, and all of the folks in our case commented on how we love him. We got to feed him two meals (one at court and the other at the guest house when we got home. He was so excited to eat with a fork b/c they eat with their hands at the home.), lots of snacks, and even let him sleep on us a while.
… LUKE. Luke was so awesome today, I can't even tell you. He didn't complain (much), did so much to gently play with little mister and entertain him, and was just generally AWESOME.
And I've been praying for years that the Lord would grow compassion in Luke. Tonight, he walked with me back over to take little mister to the home after we fed him. The kids were just getting into bed, so we greeted them all and helped them get into bed. Little mister was MAD and very SAD that we were leaving him. I held him for a long while, kissed him, told him we love him and that we were NOT leaving him again. But he was still wailing as we left. I kissed him one last time, turned around and couldn't find Luke. He was already outside…hearing his brother cry made him feel so sad. We had a lovely talk about it afterward, and it was so precious to see his sweet heart. It really bothers him to leave his brother over there. PRECIOUS.
Next up: Sightseeing and learning about this beautiful culture and country!!